“Can you do this project by this afternoon? It’s small and easy.”
“Why is the estimate so high for this? It’s a super quick project.”
“We’ve only budgeted $X for this. I’m sure you can do it quickly and make it work.”
“Can you just whip this up for me?”
“I’m sure this won’t take you more than a few minutes.”
I routinely hear these types of questions getting prednisone and comments from current and potential clients. Sometimes they’re right, and a project really is something that can be done on the fly in a matter of minutes. But that’s not always the case, because good design takes time to produce the desired results. Here’s what I mean:
1. Small doesn’t necessarily equal easy.
A lot of factors go into every project, even if it’s technically small (like an email template vs. an annual report). Is it based on previously-designed materials with an established look and feel, or is it a brand new design? If it involves images, will they be provided or is stock photography research required? How many design drafts or initial iterations are needed? Does it need to be printed or coded or loaded onto a social media site? Those are just a few of the factors that could affect how small something actually is in the end.
2. Creativity is hard work.
Good design looks effortless and, therefore, easy. But good https://enhancelifechiropracticdenver.com/order-xanax-online/ design also takes time and hard work. If the project is part of a larger suite of items, or based on something done previously, then it probably is relatively easy to do. Although the reverse can also be true—if the new project is a sister piece to a host of other pieces, it may be more difficult to come up with something that feels new and fresh while still adhering to the current look. Sometimes, inspiration strikes and the perfect design solution comes really quickly. Other times, it can feel like pulling teeth to get any ideas down on paper (or computer screen). The end result may look the same, but a considerably different amount of mental work is needed in each case.
3. Don’t assume you know what’s involved in a project or how long it should take.
Just because a project seems small to you doesn’t mean it is actually small. As we’ve already mentioned, quite a bit of work can be involved in even the simplest of projects. So if you need to set a budget or find out what turnaround time is needed, just ask. Your designer klonopin can tell you what’s involved, ask a few questions, and give you a much better idea of what to expect.
Regardless of whether your project really is small or requires a bigger effort, a good designer can help you figure out the best way to get it done well. If you don’t currently have a designer who makes it all look effortless and can actually get it done quickly when needed, reach out to Weiher Creative. You’ll be in the know, and you’ll always come away with good design.
And if you’re wondering what it’s like to work with a design agency—or you’re considering a new one—pick up my FREE report, 7 Things to Look for When Hiring a Graphic Designer, and get started on finding the talented, cost-effective provider you deserve.